Wildlife Control Specialists


New Jersey’s Best Squirrel Removal Solution!squirrels-in-attic

If you have a common cold, you take over the counter medication, or you visit your “Primary Care/ Family Physician”. If you have a heart condition you go to a Cardiologist that
“Specializes” in heart related problems.

Similarly, when it comes to dealing with “Pests” ( i.e.: bugs and mice) you either address it yourself,  or you reach out to a Pest/Exterminating Company for help with this common problem.

If you are having an issue with Squirrels you want to call a Specialist.

Here’s why:

Pest/Exterminating Company tend to deploy one of the following half baked solutions:

  • “One-Way Tunnels” These devices may result in getting the squirrel out, but companies who use them, make them out of wire, attach them to the outside of your house and hand you a bill. They don’t come back and take the down, and you are left with an unsightly homemade wire device attached to your home. If the hole the squirrel made to get in is in an area where rain and snow can enter, you will have future water damage problems and/or the wood will rot.
  • “Free Standing Traps” When deployed in your attic, you will need to check it every day (required by law in New Jersey). Also when “Free Standing traps are used you can never be sure if all of the squirrels are out when you close up the hole. If they get trapped in, then the real fun and damage occurs. Also if they are going to close the hole be sure to ask how? Most Pest Companies use wire cloth and it doesn’t keep out the elements.

Wildlife Control Specialists, LLC specializes in dealing with Squirrels, we also take the position that your home is most likely your most valuable asset. As such, we use a process where-by we place our humane multi-catch traps on the outside of your house over the hole. This process insures that there is nothing inside when we close up. Also we close up with heavy gauge aluminum matched to the color of your house. We have a metal brake that we use to cut bend and fabricate custom patches. We even go as far as to match the screws we secure the patch t the color of the patch, and guarantee the area we close off against a squirrel entering through that area in the future.

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